Topic: Explain: a:1:{s:7:"Username";i:5;}

In the database, this syntax is used to hold which users hold moderator powers over the forums

OK so,

a:1 is the number of moderators.

Then the username in quotes.

And i:5 is the ID.

But what does s:7 represent?

Re: Explain: a:1:{s:7:"Username";i:5;}

I didn't get your question. What table and field in the database do you mean?

The string  a:1:{s:7:"Username";i:5;} looks like a value returned by serialize().


Re: Explain: a:1:{s:7:"Username";i:5;}

Ohh, serialize! Never seen that function before tongue

Table: punbb_forums
Field: moderators

But I figured it out now. Thanks.