1 (edited by littlebigfred 2010-08-10 08:32)

Topic: How to get URL to current post?


I need to add a submit button in the viewtopic.php page so that I perform some tasks and then redirect the user to the current topic, eg. "/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=5"

I checked the $forum_url array, but the closest I found are not usable as-is:

[post] => viewtopic.php?pid=$1#p$1 
[topic] => viewtopic.php?id=$1

I know I can use $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI], but I was wondering if PunBB provided this information itself.

Thank you.

Re: How to get URL to current post?

littlebigfred wrote:

I was wondering if PunBB provided this information itself.

I guess it isn't, if it is, someone please correct me smile