1 (edited by Paxarin 2010-11-09 19:58)

Topic: Problem with the registration confirmation mail

Each time someone wants to register at the Forum of my website, receives an email to confirm your registration, but when my forum sends these email arrive blank and people cannot register.
I have checked the lang/spanish/mail_templates/welcome.tpl path and text is correct and well edited.
What can I do that do not follow this happening?
Someone can help me, I don't have much experience in codes.
A greeting
The address of the Forum is http://www.listadeespera.eu/foro

Re: Problem with the registration confirmation mail

Can you make sure that the file (welcome.tpl) is UTF-8 encoded , not ANSI ?

Re: Problem with the registration confirmation mail

KeyDog wrote:

Can you make sure that the file (welcome.tpl) is UTF-8 encoded , not ANSI ?

How can I know if it is in a format or in other?
I do not have a lot of experience with the code.

Re: Problem with the registration confirmation mail

If you use the free programme PSPad (www.pspad.com) - you  can check in menu under FORMAT - and easily change it there...

Re: Problem with the registration confirmation mail

KeyDog wrote:

If you use the free programme PSPad (www.pspad.com) - you  can check in menu under FORMAT - and easily change it there...

As publisher of texts used the program HTML-Kit, not if with this publisher of text with ftp will be sufficient.
But in case it should be might they to explain to me please as it should do it? Since with the code of the forums I do not find out.
A greeting

Re: Problem with the registration confirmation mail

1. Download PSPad
2. Open file welcome.tpl
3. Check under format that UFT-8 is ticked
4. Save

PS: I do not understand  what you said in your last post. Google translator does NOT work, you're better off asking in your own words than translating with any electronic tool.

Re: Problem with the registration confirmation mail

Pido disculpas por tener que hacer uso de un traductor de idiomas atraves de firefox, pero no encuentro otra opción para comunicarme con su foro.
Necesito erradicar el spam en mi foro, hoy tengo 300 mensajes de spam que todos los dias debo eliminar.
Se podrian bloquear esas IP

Re: Problem with the registration confirmation mail

What does spam have to do with the registration mail sent being blank? :S

Ok hang on:

lang/English/mail_templates/   or in your case

check all those files in there ending with .tpl are encoded UTF-8 - that should solve your problem with empty emails...

then use extensions to control spam;
stopforumspam extension

9 (edited by Paxarin 2010-11-12 18:25)

Re: Problem with the registration confirmation mail

Mi problema a sido que tuve que activar la opción del registro atraves de un enlace en el email ( que es el que llega en blanco a la persona que se registra), ya que estaban colgando en mi foro sin registrarse mensajes de spam.
Si acceder a mi foro en este momento y entras en la subforo de vuestros casos veras todos los post sobre publicidad que estan colgando en un subforo, en esta parte que es solo para usuarios registrados.
Es el motivo por que os dejo estos post, para intentar solvertar este problema.
La dirección es http://www.listadeespera.eu/foro