1 (edited by bbcodetesting 2011-03-18 13:28)

Topic: Ridiculous "pun stop bots" question!

Hey, I wanted to register an account here to ask some questions about PunBB, but I was stopped dead in my tracks by the CAPTCHA thing.  What the heck am I missing?  Those aren't roman numerals, they aren't meant to be interpreted as standard arabic numbers, it's not binary.... I'm completely confused, and feel pretty stupid.  I had to snag this account from bugmenot just to get in here to ask about it.

Help, please?

Re: Ridiculous "pun stop bots" question!

thanks, error on my part, resolved smile

strange thing is, bots were still registering,  also some humans, even though the question had no logic (well several possible ways of interpretation)!  If no one had been registering ...

IIO times III is what I put in.... and answer was 330

Re: Ridiculous "pun stop bots" question!

You get it, I was unable to register due this situation.