Topic: Big bug on index page without changing anything...


I am facing a terrible trouble on my index page (on IE and safari) since I woke up this morning , without touching anything on my code for days !

Go there with IE or Safari : http://www.forum-scpo.com/forum-scpo/index.php

There seem to be a problem with fancy js cache.

Before, JS cache files didn't appear on my local root, and now they appear. on the local root
Before, there was a diffent CSS JS cache file for each navigator and now,  the same CSS js cache fil code every navigator, which make that it works on Mozilla but not on IE and SAFARI.


Does fancy js cache change its parameters sometimes ?

Re: Big bug on index page without changing anything...

If you think this is a "Fancy JS Cache" problem, please use that extensions thread for bug reporting....

It's more likely your server admin has changed something. They should be your first port of call I imagine.


Re: Big bug on index page without changing anything...

That's also the first thing I told myself (server modification). But it would be strange that my server infomaniak changes sometihing without saying anything.

I'm not sure that it's a fancy Js cache problem. But I know that FJSC code my CSS pages now, so I presume it comes from this extension. But does FJSC changes its settings alone ? I don't think so.

It's very weird.....