Topic: The error occurred in moderate.php!!!

I deleted the message to the moved topic


The error occurred on line 29 in /public_html/forum/moderate.php(1168) : eval()'d code

Database reported: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1 (Errno: 1064).

Failed query: DELETE FROM pun_karma WHERE post_id IN()

2 (edited by dimkalinux 2011-03-29 09:08)

Re: The error occurred in moderate.php!!!

Looks like error in pun_karma mod, not moderate.php.
We check this, thanks for bug report.

What version of forum and pun_karma you use?
How we can reproduce problem?

Re: The error occurred in moderate.php!!!

PunBB 1.3.5
Post karma 1.1.1

How we can reproduce problem?

Re: The error occurred in moderate.php!!!

Try this version … 1.2.tar.gz

Re: The error occurred in moderate.php!!!

An error was encountered

Note: For detailed error information (necessary for troubleshooting), enable "DEBUG mode". To enable "DEBUG mode", open up the file config.php in a text editor, add a line that looks like "define('FORUM_DEBUG', 1);" (without the quotation marks), and re-upload the file. Once you've solved the problem, it is recommended that "DEBUG mode" be turned off again (just remove the line from the file and re-upload it).

I think. problem the same

6 (edited by Awilum 2011-03-29 10:48)

Re: The error occurred in moderate.php!!!

oh... I try now update this plugin/ext from admin and this  problem I think resolved  smile Thanks