1 (edited by crobbe 2011-08-30 16:54)

Topic: Punbb SEO extenssion, is there one doing this......?

Hi folks.

Just noticed this.....

When I click the "troubleshooting" link to get here, the url shows:

http://punbb.informer.com/forums/forum/ … eshooting/ the link shows the actual wording on the topic.

If I click a link on my forum, the url goes:


I want the one above, very searchengine friendly so to speak.

Help me out here please.

Re: Punbb SEO extenssion, is there one doing this......?

Find in forum->administration (Settings - Setup) section URL scheme.

Re: Punbb SEO extenssion, is there one doing this......?

dimkalinux wrote:

Find in forum->administration (Settings - Setup) section URL scheme.

Thanks dimkalinux