Topic: Pagination in title

Hey guys. I'm trying to solve one problem, can any one help me? I'm trying to remove pagination in title if we are in first page.


First page title - Topic_name (Page 1) | Forum_cat | Board_name
Second page title - Topic_name (Page 2) | Forum_cat | Board_name

All i want to change:
First page title - Topic_name | Forum_cat | Board_name
Second page title - Topic_name (Page 2) | Forum_cat | Board_name

I'm trying to change it in functions.php file on 574 line.
But mine php knowledge is too poor.

BTW sorry for my English skills.

Thanks to everyone who will try to help me.

Re: Pagination in title

Hey gragra.
I've made SEO optimizer plugin and this idea you request is in 1.1.1 version release (not uploaded here yet) … optimizer/

What above topic - i'll release it very soon

3 (edited by gragra 2012-01-08 11:07)

Re: Pagination in title

Hey, Quadric. Okey, I'm waiting for release. Thank you for your efforts. smile

But i have already changed url scheme to my own style for better SEO.
I would be grateful if you will try to help me to do only that i asked.

If it is not hard to you, please open functions.php and check line ~574 where is title code.

Just give  me advice how to simply remove pagination.

Re: Pagination in title

OK i uploaded in my extension what i've said... but if you'd like to make only change you want just change:

if ($reverse)
    for ($i = ($num_crumbs - 1); $i >= 0; --$i)
        $crumbs .= (is_array($forum_page['crumbs'][$i]) ? forum_htmlencode($forum_page['crumbs'][$i][0]) : forum_htmlencode($forum_page['crumbs'][$i])).((isset($forum_page['page']) && $i == ($num_crumbs - 1)) ? ' ('.$lang_common['Page'].' '.forum_number_format($forum_page['page']).')' : '').($i > 0 ? $lang_common['Title separator'] : '');


if ($reverse)
    for ($i = ($num_crumbs - 1); $i >= 0; --$i)
        $crumbs .= (is_array($forum_page['crumbs'][$i]) ? forum_htmlencode($forum_page['crumbs'][$i][0]) : forum_htmlencode($forum_page['crumbs'][$i])).((isset($forum_page['page']) && $i == ($num_crumbs - 1) && $forum_page['page'] > 1) ? ' ('.$lang_common['Page'].' '.forum_number_format($forum_page['page']).')' : '').($i > 0 ? $lang_common['Title separator'] : '');

So simply i just add a third conditional:

&& $forum_page['page'] > 1

Re: Pagination in title

Quadric, Thank you very very much smile Good job, bro. Helped a lot. Cheers