Topic: [Extension Release] pun_google_ajax_translit
Google Ajax Transliteration Extension For PunBB.
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PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.4 additions → [Extension Release] pun_google_ajax_translit
Google Ajax Transliteration Extension For PunBB.
Thanks, but, please, do not use pun_ suffix - it reserved for official extensions.
Oops , sorry .. In Next Release I will not use "pun" suffix anymore
And Thanks for the Info.
Nice! So what this mod does is translating Latin letters to Greek, Chinese etc? Can you add Russian too (I can't type Russian on windows )
No , In This First release I just have put function to translate English to any of the given languages phonetically I will release a modified version with more options so far soon after my Exams
Exams are like demons I hate it , hate it from my soul
PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.4 additions → [Extension Release] pun_google_ajax_translit
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