Topic: Rename validate_username function

Hello guys. I'm trying to integrate information about user from punBB to WordPress.
But i have one big trouble. Functions validate_username exists in latest punBB and in Wordpress. So i can't use this functions, because get errors.

Can some one tell me and help to do it? I want to rename punBB function to: validate_username_pun and leave validate_username for WordPress.

Grateful for everyone who will try help me.

Sorry for my English skills. sad


Re: Rename validate_username function

Try to find this function in every PHP file and rename it smile.

3 (edited by Newuser12 2013-03-31 09:28)

Re: Rename validate_username function

Looks like it helped, but now i have new error:  Fatal error: Call to a member function escape() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\testas\include\functions.php on line 1498

which is:
part of code here:

    // Fetch guest user
    $query = array(
        'SELECT'    => 'u.*, g.*, o.logged, o.csrf_token, o.prev_url, o.last_post, o.last_search',
        'FROM'        => 'users AS u',
        'JOINS'        => array(
                'INNER JOIN'    => 'groups AS g',
                'ON'            => 'g.g_id=u.group_id'
                'LEFT JOIN'        => 'online AS o',
                'ON'            => 'o.ident=\''.$forum_db->escape($remote_addr).'\''      // <<<<---- this line
        'WHERE'        => ''

I have taged that line. Any ideas?

4 (edited by Newuser12 2013-04-01 17:05)

Re: Rename validate_username function

Anyone know the problem? I really need to fix it. sad

And now i will explain what exactly i want to do:
I want to show:
Logged in as: Username

Want to see it in wordpress. And show unread massage count.

Thats it what i need and cant complete this goal. sad