1 (edited by ameenullah 2004-06-04 06:22)

Topic: Displaying Userlist

Hi Rikard,

      I have seen this forum so good to use, I would like to suggest you to avail ALPHABATICAL order of searching userlist in the screen. Its taking a long time to search someone with particular name.

Suggesting to avail userlist like A | B | C | D |... | Y | Z

Also can provide direct link to the user profile in the "view forum page"

Hope you can!!

God wisely designed the human body so that we can neither pat our own backs nor kick ourselves too easily

Re: Displaying Userlist

The alphabetical userlist is removed beqause it's not working when having "weird" usernames (with another encoding or something like that). In v1.2 you can search in the userlist instead, so it should hopefully be enough.

Re: Displaying Userlist

Thank you!

Can provide one more select box option to minimize the search list know. like if you add date wise, it will be easy to fetch along with usename or posts.

Just a request smile , For me its taking long time to load that page. I just want to minimize the load.

God wisely designed the human body so that we can neither pat our own backs nor kick ourselves too easily