Topic: BB Code Woes...

BB code does not work on my forum for some reason, when you click the button nothing happens except the staus bar at the bottom of the page changes from "Done" to "Error on Page". I have javascript enabled if that matters... Other than that Pun BB is an excellent forum! Thanks for helping out!

Always ~HMEternity

Re: BB Code Woes...

How bout a link to your forum so that some of us can look at it and see if we can figure out what's wrong? smile

Also, are you talking about a problem with a mod that you've installed, or an "out of the box" version of PunBB??  Knowing that would help us pinpoint what's wrong.

Re: BB Code Woes...
Well I am using the prehacked version of punbb as you can see at the bottom of the page. I haven't installed any mods The only thing I have changed is removing the link to the detailed users online page.

Thanks and I am sorry for not giving you enough information!

Re: BB Code Woes...

You're using PunBB ++, which you got from PunRes, rather than a straight 1.1.* version that you downloaded from this site.  Jansson is the one who runs PunRes, and he is probably the best one to look at this and tell you what the problem may be.  I'm not familiar with how the PunBB++ package is set up.

Re: BB Code Woes...

The problem has been up before on these forums. Try searching.