Topic: Extensions problem - cannot want to install

Hello all from Bulgaria.
My problem is this : When i try to install some extension on my punBB theres nothing ? Just white screen and when i check if its installed - its not. What can i do ? Its the second extension which cannot want to be installed.
Thanks in advance!


Re: Extensions problem - cannot want to install

What kind of extension?

Re: Extensions problem - cannot want to install

For example : pun_colored_usergroups. I have successully installed pun_group_legend and want to combine it with this other extension, but ... I click install and then nothing. smile


Re: Extensions problem - cannot want to install

Are you using the latest version of PunBB (1.4.2) and this extension (1.2.4)?
And what's your server configuration? What database you are using?

Re: Extensions problem - cannot want to install

I found code in manifest for 1.4.2. Thank you !

Re: Extensions problem - cannot want to install

Check server logs for errors.