1 (edited by Kushi 2013-08-20 17:29)

Topic: Changing DOM structure


I've been trying to work on responsive theme for punbb ( way to many times ) and I'm always giving up because of DOM structure. It's so unintuitive!

Let me show some example. Look at this category code

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Wouldn't it be better to have something like this? ( I've used bootstrap-responsive classes and more semantic structure )

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I don't want to create fork since I'm front-end developer so I haven't got enough back-end skills to develop PHP part

If any of my dropbox link fails with 404 error, change dl.dropbox.com/u/56038890/punbb/*.zip in address to 82283017.

Currently working on rPlus - responsive theme for developers to create their own themes basing on this one.

Re: Changing DOM structure

@kushi. gokil nice project! yikes

sorry my BAD english T___T
Have a nice day >.<

Re: Changing DOM structure

Instead of changing the DOM structure and breaking all existing themes I have another proposal. In my opinion styles should uses some kind of hooks. In the next verision of punbb I would like to see something like this:

//--- in the style ---

// --- in the code ---
if (get_style_hook('print_forum_row')) {
    echo '<div class="forum_row">'.$content.'</div>';

Function 'get_style_hook' will execute file from style folder, if file not exists returns true. I know that this way source code will become more complicated, but this will give more flexibility to style designers.

If you want to contact me quickly - send e-mail, not PM.
<?php $t='<?php $t=%c%s%c; printf($t,39,$t,39,10);%c'; printf($t,39,$t,39,10);