1 (edited by keeshii 2015-11-02 12:59)

Topic: [Extension] om_quote_link 0.0.1

Adds the link to the source posts in the quote tag.

om_quote_link 0.0.2 (current): om_quote_link-0.0.2.zip

Note: Small and simple, works with om_multiquote. smile

0.0.2 - 2014.09-16
compability with php 5.5


If you want to contact me quickly - send e-mail, not PM.
<?php $t='<?php $t=%c%s%c; printf($t,39,$t,39,10);%c'; printf($t,39,$t,39,10);

Re: [Extension] om_quote_link 0.0.1

this working good.. no eror big_smile
Mr Keeshii, can modify about this too..
    <id>pun_quote</id> this ext can multiple quote without click post reply so fast..
if om_multi_quote they are uisng click post reply to multiple posts.

how about to combine pun_quote with om_quote_link ?
here pun_quote http://punbb.informer.com/extensions/pu … _quote.zip

sorry my BAD english T___T
Have a nice day >.<

3 (edited by keeshii 2015-01-20 18:12)

Re: [Extension] om_quote_link 0.0.1

I am not sure if this extension fully is compatibile with punbb 1.4.2, but quick-quote functionality seems working. You have to place the post id in the quote tag. The changes in the file pun_quote/script.js are required.

Lines 169, 178 and 183 of script.js begin with:

var quote = '[quote=' + pun_quote_authors[qid_param] + ']'  ...

Must be like this:

var quote = '[quote=' + pun_quote_authors[qid_param] + '  ' + qid_param + ']'  ...

Note double space in the code above.

If you want to contact me quickly - send e-mail, not PM.
<?php $t='<?php $t=%c%s%c; printf($t,39,$t,39,10);%c'; printf($t,39,$t,39,10);