Topic: Changing "thank you for registering"

I have been trying to find out where I can change the text which shows up when someone registers.
It is normally like this:

Forum Message wrote:

Thank you for registering. An email has been sent to the specified address with instructions on how to activate your new account. If it doesn't arrive you can contact the forum administrator at

I want to change it as I am using the pun_approval extension and I want to state clearly in that message that their registration will have to be approved before they get an email to confirm their email.

How I could change this message?
(oh and i'm not very good with code and stuff so i'd appreciate if someone could tell me how i make things bold and in bigger text smile)

Re: Changing "thank you for registering"

Check the file: /lang/English/mail_templates/welcome.tpl

E-mails are beeing sended as text messages. Unforunately you cannot format the text (bold, size, etc) without changes in source code, but you can still use some old-fashion methods like CAPITAL letters.

If you want to contact me quickly - send e-mail, not PM.
<?php $t='<?php $t=%c%s%c; printf($t,39,$t,39,10);%c'; printf($t,39,$t,39,10);

Re: Changing "thank you for registering"

Sorry I should have made it more clear. I want to change this when someone gives in their email and username.
I keep getting messages saying my email has not arrived yet and I want to make it clear in that message that I need to accept it before an email gets sent.

Re: Changing "thank you for registering"

edit /lang/English/login.php

bangla entertainment forum