1 (edited by kudataz 2013-12-30 02:03)

Topic: request - generate gravatar randomly

like a github
ex: https://identicons.github.com/698abab4ac02c3056ef6b2ca1a645fed.png

maybe this ext usefully art big_smile

sorry my BAD english T___T
Have a nice day >.<

2 (edited by Kushi 2013-12-30 11:21)

Re: request - generate gravatar randomly

Just send md5(user_id) to api.
Hook would be fn_generate_avatar_markup_end

and code something like

else {
        $avatar_markup = '<img src="http://retroavatar.appspot.com/api?name='.md5($user_id).'&alpha=true&fact=4" width="48" height="48" alt="no avatar"/>';

and you may also want to add this to your css

.useravatar img[alt="no avatar"] {
    background: #fff;
    border: solid 1px #ddd;
    padding: .5em;
If any of my dropbox link fails with 404 error, change dl.dropbox.com/u/56038890/punbb/*.zip in address to 82283017.

Currently working on rPlus - responsive theme for developers to create their own themes basing on this one.

3 (edited by kudataz 2014-01-02 20:06)

Re: request - generate gravatar randomly

nice works perfect;y sir big_smile thxx very much for code , hug , handshake

sorry my BAD english T___T
Have a nice day >.<