1 (edited by cns 2015-12-22 09:15)

Topic: Hide all admin posts !

Hi everyone,

After i changing the "Edit post count" of my admin account, most all posts disappeared (not of other users) and still only title of post.
If i select Edit the text is there normally. How can i restore them ?  (pictures below)
Thank you all !!!



Re: Hide all admin posts !



Re: Hide all admin posts !


Re: Hide all admin posts !

Look in a log of errors of the server (error.log).
Possibly, one of extensions adding a new bb-code isn't adapted for punbb 1.4.3/1.4.4.

I speak only Russian  :P


Re: Hide all admin posts !

yes i install some extenstions but not suported and after i delete them...

i think is, bb-codefancy_video_tag  and  fancy_user_activity

Visman wrote:

Look in a log of errors of the server (error.log).

in access logs ?

Re: Hide all admin posts !

BBCode buttons 1.4.18 - work in 1.4.4
fancy_video_tag - not work - see post http://punbb.ru/post44974.html#p44974 for work
fancy_user_activity - there are no data.

I speak only Russian  :P

Re: Hide all admin posts !

>in access logs ?
No, see error.log file.

I speak only Russian  :P

8 (edited by cns 2015-12-22 22:47)

Re: Hide all admin posts !

I think the problem is the new install of BBcode 1.4.18 extension.
When i edit  and remove bbcodes of a problematic post then it is ok. If i put again any bbcode problem is back.
The problem still continues and if i write new post !

Where is the error.log file ? I search all files in server (with Filezilla) and i can't find. I found only a folder named [log]  > [error] with some numbered archives (11,12..)

Re: Hide all admin posts !

https://www.google.ru/search?q=Where+do … ror+log%3F

I speak only Russian  :P

10 (edited by cns 2016-01-07 17:12)

Re: Hide all admin posts !

Happy New year to all with helth,
Problem solved !!! the extension fancy_video_tag has created the problem. When uninstalled is the content of the posts appeared. BB_code 1.4.18 works well now!