Topic: Some help with rewrite_rules.php and forum_urls.php?
Any help with these 2 problems I can't solve? Thanx in forward..
Problem 1:
I have file based url scheme and I am trying to change the names on rewrite_rules.php;
'forum' and 'topic' into 'text' and 'texts' in this rule:
'/^feed[\/_-]?(rss|atom)[\/_-]?(f|t)(orum|opic)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?(\.xml?|\/)?$/i' =>
I tried this following but it doesn't work:
'/^feed[\/_-]?(rss|atom)[\/_-]?(t|t)(ext|exts)[\/_-]?([0-9]+)[\/_-]?(\.xml?|\/)?$/i' =>
Problem 2:
Another problem I can't solve is on forum_urls.php about this rule:
'topic' => 'texts$1-$2.php',
Is there a way to pick up just the first 3 words of variable $2 ?
So instead of:
I want this: