Topic: Copyright links in _blank

In footer.php, I suggest to modify the 2 copyright links adding


so that the forum does not loose its visitors
PunBB 1.4.6
PHP: 8.0.24
Base de données    SQLite3 3.27.2

Re: Copyright links in _blank

Dangerous target="_blank"

ENG: … e328301f4c

I speak only Russian  :P

Re: Copyright links in _blank

Thank you for your expert answer.
I had never heard about this. And does not understand a lot about what is explained on the provided link. I am no coder.
I just do not want to loose my visitors or disturb their browsing. So outward links on my sites should open in new tab/windows .
If the danger comes from a possible malevolent script located on the original site, I know that all is clean on my side.
And that I can use links in _blank on my site keeping my visitors safe.
If the danger comes from a script located on the other site or on the visitor computer, I do not know what I can do.

Can you provide a soluce ? Would the suggested

rel="noopener noreferrer"

added to a link in _blank make the code safer ?
PunBB 1.4.6
PHP: 8.0.24
Base de données    SQLite3 3.27.2