1 (edited by RME Forum 2016-10-26 20:14)

Topic: Wildcards in mail addresses to ban

Last night, a forum for which I'm an admin suddenly had 900 unverified users (all registered over the weekend from Ukraine...). As I've observed before, they were using email addresses with subdomains, e.g. orawircab@mail.clashatclintonemail.com and others, with varying subdomains.
As the attack was ongoing, I blocked a few of those and then also blocked the IP ranges.

While I was able to ban e.g. mail.clashatclintonemail.com from registering, there is no way to ban all mail addresses that use clashatclintonemail.com as TLD, i.e. I can not block *.clashatclintonemail.com
The same applies to mail addresses with new TLDs such as .website or the like, no way to get rid of these that I can see.

Oh, and it would be nice to be able to see all bans on one page, as was possible earlier. This is 1.4.4


Re: Wildcards in mail addresses to ban

http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … nforemail/
please test

I speak only Russian  :P

Re: Wildcards in mail addresses to ban

Thanks, I'll ask for that to be implemented (can't do so myself).

How would I ban all addresses with the *.website TLD or similar?


Re: Wildcards in mail addresses to ban

ban = exemple.com -> stop: user.name@exemple.com, user.name@www.exemple.com;
ban = .org -> stop: all .org domains;

I speak only Russian  :P