Topic: non-empty $post_link

in viewtopic.php and viewforum.php, this little string piece:

&& $cur_user['status'] < PUN_MOD))

causes a nonbreaking space to appear if, say, the user is a guest and guest posting has been turned off (as I'm sure you know).

The thing is, I wrapped a special style format around the table cell that contains the link (some double borders, if you must know) and it looks super weird when the little borders demarcate a blank cell.

So, then, I put in a little "Register to post" with a link to the register.php page in the appropriate place in the code.  BUT, sadly, that variable ALSO applies to registered users if posting for a topic has been turned off by the Moderator.  So, suddenly, my tiny hack makes no sense.

(Am I making sense here?)

It'd just be nice if there was an extra case somehow.  Maybe it's too difficult?  I don't really know enough about php to evaluate whether this request is one of those nightmares or is super simple.  But if it's the latter...

-- H


Re: non-empty $post_link

It looks to me like you are trying to style the post link to look like a button or something similar. Why style the td, if you style the link then you won't have a problem. When guest posting is disabled then $post_link does not actually contain a link so the styling won't operate. If you need a double border put a div around the link and give that a border as well.

$post_link = '<div class="punpostbutton>"<a....."></a></div>
Then style it with
.punpostbutton a {}

If you style the a:hover you have even got a rollover if you like such things smile

Re: non-empty $post_link

hahahah.  You're right! 

It's all so obvious, suddenly.