Topic: style question/troubles
i've been familiarizing myself with style sheet editing for a site i am fooling around with, so i've been reading the style guide and it's been a great help with some questions, but i just can't get an image i have to tile, or even show up for that matter.
this is what i have and would like that image to tile in the background of the forum. the image is also in my "/httpdocs/e107forum/img" folder and that doesn't work either.
BODY {background-color: #ffffff; background-image: url(?e107forum/style/backgif.gif?);
background-repeat: repeat;}
is this correct? i'm also reading this guide on more advanced .css editing with no luck also. any help would be appreciated.
edit:this is for a punbb forum i have and have been modding and finding the right mods i like. just changing it to suit my needs and style of the site.
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