Re: Private Message System
Thanx lebel, but ...
Since I have began coding (1998) I have always use NOTEPAD ... so I don't want to count the lines ...
If you could post old and new code, it would be perfect
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PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations → Private Message System
Thanx lebel, but ...
Since I have began coding (1998) I have always use NOTEPAD ... so I don't want to count the lines ...
If you could post old and new code, it would be perfect
Yes, the mod works fine with 1.1.5.
Yes, I should update the mod with the suggestions you have, I've just not got the will/time to do it yet. Sorry for that :(
Thanx lebel, but ...
Since I have began coding (1998) I have always use NOTEPAD ... so I don't want to count the lines ... :)If you could post old and new code, it would be perfect :)
Maybe a reason to switch to ultraedit or another nice editor :)
Zend Studio 3.5 Sure it might be a tad bloaty, but its rock solid under SuSE 9.1
"You are running a version of PunBB that this mod does not support. This mod supports PunBB versions: 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4"
And the actual version is 1.5.... it's a pity that this mod doesn't work in the new version.
I've uploaded PunPMS v1.0.9 now. The only thing I changed was to add 1.1.5 to the list in the install-file (so there's no reason to update if you already installed it).
I've uploaded PunPMS v1.0.9 now. The only thing I changed was to add 1.1.5 to the list in the install-file (so there's no reason to update if you already installed it).
I was to post the same now... I just add 1.1.5 and it's seems to work.
I've now added a "Send new message"-link to the message-list-page as I should have done a long time ago...
Though, I need help translating this line into french and spanish:
'New message' => 'Send new message',
To update your installation you ONLY have to replace the files "message_list.php", "message_send.php" and "??_pms.php" (language file), NOT follow the steps in the readme! Download the new version here.
'New message' => 'Enviar nuevo mensaje',
Spanish translation....
'New message' => 'Envoyer un message',
French translation
Well, I have changed the 3 files you did ... but I don't see where the "Send a new PM" appears in header of the forum : indeed, to locate the message_list.php, only thing to do actually is ... to remember the url
Have I forgotten something ?
The "Send new message"-link is located at the list (where the "Post reply"-link is located in a topic).
Don't you have the navigation bar like this?:
Home | User list | Search | Profile | Admin | Messages | Logout
Step 10 to 14 should add the Messages-link in the navigation bar...
I don't understand
my actual code is
if ($cur_user['status'] < PUN_MOD)
if ($pun_config['o_search'] == '1')
$links[] = '<a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<a href="profile.php?id='.$cur_user['id'].'">'.$lang_common['Profile'].'</a>';
// Private Message 1.0.8
$links[] = '<a href="login.php?action=out">'.$lang_common['Logout'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<a href="profile.php?id='.$cur_user['id'].'">'.$lang_common['Profile'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<a href="admin_index.php">'.$lang_common['Admin'].'</a>';
// Private Message 1.0.8
$links[] = '<a href="login.php?action=out">'.$lang_common['Logout'].'</a>';
What's wrong ?
Try adding this line instead of the require-line:
$links[] = '<a href="message_list.php">'.$lang_pms['Messages'].'</a>';
Do you have the mod enabled? Beqause it checks if the admin-option is on, and if it's not, the link is not shown.
Where is the link to the admin options?
Where is the link to the admin options?
Sorry I find it.... in admin | Options...
X files Power : Yes, in admin > options, PM are YES (and it's logic, because the members and I can send PM )
I don't understand .. very weird !!!
// Private Message 1.0.8
//$links[] = '<a href="message_list.php">'.$lang_pms['Messages'].'</a>';
$links[] = '<a href="message_list.php">Messages privés</a>';
First line > doesn't work
Second line > doesn't work (create a "blank")
Third line > works !
Bug in fr_pms.php ?
And in this case, is it the same thing I have to do for members to have the PM link in profile's user ???
No answer ... but this is not the reason of my new message
An user is called Doud' on my forum
Because there is a ' the user is not recognized ...
How to fix it ?
Because there is a ' the user is not recognized ...
How to fix it ?
Seems to work fine for me. Which version do you run? When does it happen?
If any body need:
this is a russian translation ru_pms.rar
sorry for my english.
X files Power : Yes, in admin > options, PM are YES (and it's logic, because the members and I can send PM
I don't understand .. very weird !!!
// Private Message 1.0.8 //require($pun_root.'include/pms/functions_navlinks.php'); //$links[] = '<a href="message_list.php">'.$lang_pms['Messages'].'</a>'; $links[] = '<a href="message_list.php">Messages privés</a>';
First line > doesn't work
Second line > doesn't work (create a "blank")
Third line > works !Bug in fr_pms.php ?
And in this case, is it the same thing I have to do for members to have the PM link in profile's user ???
..i believe works as well...(at least thats how i did it)..i think
Rod wrote:Because there is a ' the user is not recognized ...
How to fix it ?
Seems to work fine for me. Which version do you run? When does it happen?
The user doesn't exist (and of course, he (in the actual case, SHE) exists ...
French version ... ?!
Maybe the problem with the ' it's in your server and the magic_quotes or something similar... I'm newbie at php and I can not explain me better.
I hope that this help you.
I found a little bug in message_list.php
I think line 45:
$name .= '</b> ( <a href="?box='.(int)(!$_GET['box']).'">'.$lang_pms['Box'.(int)$_GET['box']].'</a> )<b>';
should be moved after the next line (47):
$page_title = pun_htmlspecialchars($pun_config['o_board_title']).' / '.$lang_pms['Private Messages'].' - '.$name;
They should be switched that is. Else the page title will contain the "a href blabla...."
I found a little bug in message_list.php
They should be switched that is. Else the page title will contain the "a href blabla...."
True, thanks! I've changed it and uploaded a new ver (only need to follow Henke's steps or replace message_list.php).
Nice Mod guys!
But i have a question! Is it possible to send an email to the receiver, if he becomes a Privat Message!
Like this: You´ve got a Privat message! Please click here, to read it: ............
And the link brings u direct to the privat message.
PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations → Private Message System
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