Topic: phpBB tags
Hi, i installed this pretty forum but i figured out that not all the phpbb tags work in punbb, e.g. [SIZE=24]aa[/SIZE] and something with [list]...
is there any punbb tags description ?
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PunBB Forums → Feature requests → phpBB tags
Hi, i installed this pretty forum but i figured out that not all the phpbb tags work in punbb, e.g. [SIZE=24]aa[/SIZE] and something with [list]...
is there any punbb tags description ?
I think you should check help.php:
i know that page ! is this all punbb can do?
I hoped that exist possibility to change text size etc.! is there a way to use HTML in topics?
I hoped that exist possibility to change text size etc.! is there a way to use HTML in topics?
No and no.
No and no
Haha i like this answers :-)
you can open parser.php and hacked it, try it by your self.
I can't imagine why you would want to use size tags.
If your users cant read the small punbb font-size, just tell them to use ctrl+scrollwheel
I can't imagine why you would want to use size tags.
If your users cant read the small punbb font-size, just tell them to use ctrl+scrollwheel
I don't have a scrollwheel
I can't imagine why you would want to use size tags.
If your users cant read the small punbb font-size, just tell them to use ctrl+scrollwheel :)
Which doesn't have any effect in PunBB 1.1.*. It will in 1.2 though.
I don't have a scrollwheel
ctrl + + and ctrl + - often works aswell
@ Rickard: it does in Firefox at least ... I just did it
No and no
no and no,
now I know...
you can open parser.php and hacked it, try it by your self.
thanx I will...
You're right. That's odd. It shouldn't work since the sizes are fixed. Oh well, it'll work in IE in 1.2 as well :)
Zooming using Ctrl+wheel or menu options or Ctrl +/- always works in Firefox, Moz and Opera even if you have font sizes in pixels so it works fine with current versions of PunBB.
Zooming only works in IE if you have font sizes set in percentages or em's. Theoratically you should be able to change PunBB's existing stylesheet to allow text sizing in IE.
PunBB Forums → Feature requests → phpBB tags
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