Topic: Registration disable

Is it possible to disable the registation requirement in PunBB?

I search these forum and browsed the config module but found nothing.


Re: Registration disable

in the Admin-Permissions, you can allow guests to do all the things.


Re: Registration disable

In Permissions Registration area there are two options:

"Allow banned e-mail addresses"
"Allow duplicate e-mail addresses"

I don't see an option there to turn off registration completely, that is, to allow someone to post freely without registering.


Re: Registration disable

Okay, I now see that not registering is the default setting, eh?


Re: Registration disable

Like Frank has said, Admin-Permissions:
Guests may post topics
Allow guests (not registered users) to post new topics.  yes no

Now to remove the top navigation links, like Register:
/include/functions.php - function generate_navlinks()


Re: Registration disable


But when I try to pull up the functions page, the screen's blank,

http://www.homesteadhelpers.com/forums/ … ctions.php

and the index file contains only a "."...

http://www.homesteadhelpers.com/forums/ … index.html

Do I still need to install something here?


Re: Registration disable

tobyb wrote:


But when I try to pull up the functions page, the screen's blank,

http://www.homesteadhelpers.com/forums/ … ctions.php

and the index file contains only a "."...

http://www.homesteadhelpers.com/forums/ … index.html

Do I still need to install something here?


You'll have to manually edit the php-file (and no, don't change the index.html-file).


Re: Registration disable

Is there a help file on this topic?

Anyways, in the 'functions.php' file, should I remove the following section?

if ($cookie['is_guest'])
        if ($pun_config['o_search'] == '1' && $pun_config['p_guests_search'] == '1')
            $links[] = '<a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';

        $links[] = '<a href="register.php">'.$lang_common['Register'].'</a> | <a href="login.php">'.$lang_common['Login'].'</a>';
        $info = $lang_common['Not logged in'];
        if ($cur_user['status'] < PUN_MOD)
            if ($pun_config['o_search'] == '1')
                $links[] = '<a href="search.php">'.$lang_common['Search'].'</a>';

            $links[] = '<a href="profile.php?id='.$cur_user['id'].'">'.$lang_common['Profile'].'</a>';
            $links[] = '<a href="login.php?action=out">'.$lang_common['Logout'].'</a>';



Re: Registration disable

I think you're trying to do too much.  Just logon as an administrator, click 'Admin', 'Permissions', and next to 'Guest' set the 4 radio buttons to 'Yes'.

Re: Registration disable

And if you dont want people to register at all, go into Admin-Options and uncheck "Allow registrations", and noone can register on the forum.

11 (edited by tobyb 2004-08-30 16:29)

Re: Registration disable

D9r wrote:

I think you're trying to do too much.  Just logon as an administrator, click 'Admin', 'Permissions', and next to 'Guest' set the 4 radio buttons to 'Yes'.

I took Chacmool's advice and manaully removed the "Register" and "Login" links (located in the top header area). So, this particular job does not appear to be an option in the 'Admin'... area. So, to be consistent and not have the Register option appear anywhere, I need to go through most of the other PHP pages and remove these options manually, as well. Okay, that's doable.

BUT when I downloaded 'index.php' and tried to manully edit out "Register" and "Login", I could not find these links... When I viewed the source online instead, the links were clearly present... So, I edited from the source and uploaded... I tried a post before lunch and it worked... but now I tried a post and it doesn't work. The message says I haven't registered... And when I tried a search, it told me I wasn't registered. In the Guest section of the Admin module, I have "Guests may use search" checked as "Yes" so why must I register?

Correction, I posted Sugar Pie but the body of the message is missing. So, the post worked partially.

Did I screw up the script by editing the source version?

I'm referring to the forum located at,



Re: Registration disable

Before you continue. Why don't you want people to register in your forums? If they want to register, why not let them?

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Registration disable

That makes sense.

But recently I watched a forum based on Matt's WWWBoard go from regular use to no use... presumably because they upgraded to a board with registration. (They upgraded because they were tired of dealing with spammers... which is what you have to deal with if you don't have registration, I know.)

With PunBB even if you don't actually have to register, the mere presence of the word register might make some potential posters think they MUST register to post, so I would prefer to remove it. But I have to think more about this now...


Re: Registration disable

The file to edit is indeed functions.php. E.g. removing

$links[] = '<a href="register.php">'.$lang_common['Register'].'</a> | <a href="login.php">'.$lang_common['Login'].'</a>';

would remove the register and login links for guests.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Registration disable

D9r wrote:

I think you're trying to do too much.  Just logon as an administrator, click 'Admin', 'Permissions', and next to 'Guest' set the 4 radio buttons to 'Yes'.

I'm so stupid that I figured I better update these directions for the latest version of PunBB -- as this setting location has changed and it's HARD TO FIND if you're stupid. I know I will be back here... again. ;-)

For PunBB 1.2.x, Admin Menu, User Groups, Existing Groups, Edit Guest, set all radios to Yes.

Some credit is due, I figure this one out myself.