Topic: Problem logging in with IE

Hi guys,

I have successfully set up my Forum. But now, everytime I try to log in with IE, it says I'm logged in successfully, but then in the status it says I am not logged in. it's really important that it works...

What can this be?

Cheers guys


Re: Problem logging in with IE

1. Is IE setup to allow cookies
2. Are you using some security app that is blocking cookies
3. Does your host use a framed redirect

Re: Problem logging in with IE

I have cookies enabled

I am using SP2... Maybe that's the problem... I have to check that on another machine.

What is a framed redirect? Can you explain that, please? *looks with a asking look*


Re: Problem logging in with IE

Take a look at this topic

Re: Problem logging in with IE

Alright, thanks! I didn't see that topic...

I solved it by putting up a link with a link to the real domain on top of the page, now IE users can use it as well.
