I have a cable modem and I used to have my eMac set-up as a webserver. I hosted some sites on it, but to get to them you had to type in the IP which is hard to remember and it also chanes from time to time (Dynamic). DynDNS gives you a URL that points to your IP address. They also have utils that you install on your computer that fequently check your IP and if it has changed, update the info with DynDNS.
You do not buy a domain through DynDNS. The $35 is for the service of pointing your domain to your IP. You still have to own a domain (or use one of the free ones as mentioned above.)
Why is networksolutions $30 for a domain name? Becasue there are suckers out there, I guess. A woman set-up my mothers website for her real estate business. Charged her $100 for a domain name and $300 for search engine submission plus $50/month for hosting. A ONE PAGE website cost my mother $1000! I flipped out when I found this out. She's not working with that woman anymore.
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