Topic: Error
I'm a moderator at the forum and everytime i try to change profile or close threads i always gets this message:
"Ugyldig HTTP_REFERER. Du ble referert til denne siden fra en uautorisert kilde. Vennligst gå tilbake og prøv igjen. Dersom problemet ikke forsvinner, vennligst kontroller at 'Base URL' er satt korrekt i Admin/Options og at du navigerer til forumet via denne URLen."
Thats norwegian and means something like; Wrong HTTP_PREFERER: You got refeard to this page by an unautherist sourch. Please go back and try again. If the problem doesnt dissepear, please controll that the 'base URl' is putt in correct order in Admin/options, and that your navigating to the forum through this URL.
I told the admin about this problem, but he cant find out whats wrong. Can someone here please help us?
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