Topic: Skins

I've just recently run across PunBB and is honestly the best board style since Infopop awhile back, plain and simple.

Now, my question, does PunBB have any skins or styles or anything?  How can I change the default colors on the forum?  What files do I need to edit?

If this is already posted somewhere, sorry, I didn't see anything.

Re: Skins

lol...have you installed this forum yet? It's hard to miss the option on how to change the default color.

if mONey is lOSt nOThINg is lOSt,
if cHArACtER is lOSt sOMeTHiNG is lOSt,
if rELiGIon and eDUcATiON aRE lOSt eVErYThINg is lOSt.

Re: Skins

MuddyX: Yes, it does. Look in the style directory. You can add your own style sheets in there.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: Skins

you need to Know Css*
Open the style that you want to edit.
and change what are you want on him, Color's , Fonts, Size ect..

Yours, Benny.