Topic: sportmecanique website


First, i 'm very sorry for my poor english, i'm a french man. I 've just installed punbb on my website. You can see it if you want here :

And thanks to Rickard for his great job.

Re: sportmecanique website

very nice smile

El Mejor Lugar de la Red - Corporación Azakur4


Re: sportmecanique website

Superb !
Pour les ptes images a gauche, comment fais-tu ? CSS ? template ?

4 (edited by armada 2004-12-28 18:20)

Re: sportmecanique website

Yann2 wrote:

Superb !
Pour les ptes images a gauche, comment fais-tu ? CSS ? template ?

Dans le fichier index aux alentours de la ligne 112

<tr class="puncon1">
<td class="puncent"style="width: 60px"><?php echo'<img src="img/'.$cur_forum['fid'].'.jpg" width="60" height="60" alt="">';?>
<?php echo $forum_field."\n" ?>
<td class="puncent"><?php echo $cur_forum['num_topics'] ?></td>
<td class="puncent"><?php echo $cur_forum['num_posts'] ?></td>
<td class="puncent"><?php echo $last_post ?></td>
<td class="puncent"><?php echo $moderators ?></td>

ton image doit s'appeler comme l'id du forum auquel elle se rapporte