Topic: thinking stupidly
do you ask why my signature say like that
that happen to me before 10 years when i start become good in computer PC i believed that every thing depend on logical thing and if you think like that will you find what you search.
i was worked with my friend in game play store, i mean a store have a 4 computers Amiga and people come to play.
when a day a boy come with "Nentando" game station and ask my friend to fix it, we are not fixing any hardware pieces, but the boy insist on that because no one can fix it. my friend accept the piece.
next day he opened it and point to black piece and say
my friend: from here, the piece is not working
me: do you know what is it?
my friend: No, but i think it is.
me: it is a diod bridge
my friend: then, go and by another one.
after that "Nentando" worked good.
the Boy: oh, lot of thanks, because many of other try to fix it and thay fails
this a accident make my brain in my hand, and try to find what happened
from that year i worked with my friend many project (programming) and still he thinking like that, and i learned many form him, may be one thing.
thinking stupidly it is another way to resolve your problems