Topic: Using Nucleus CMs layout with PunBB Forum


I'm using Nucleus CMS to get my site up-to-date :

Now I want to get the menu at the rigt and left also with my forum :

Does anybody know what's the best way to fix this.



Re: Using Nucleus CMs layout with PunBB Forum


Since you're using PunBB 1.2, we're all in a learning process at this time. So I don't have a quick answer but it looks fine like it is for now.

I'm glad you're trying out Nucleus.

Re: Using Nucleus CMs layout with PunBB Forum

you'll probably get some more answers when pauls style guide is out wink


Re: Using Nucleus CMs layout with PunBB Forum

Connorhd wrote:

you'll probably get some more answers when pauls style guide is out wink

My XMAS day schedule
1. Get up
2. Unwrap presents
3. Eat lunch
4. Watch Queen
5. Write Style Guide

Re: Using Nucleus CMs layout with PunBB Forum

lol nice but i mean do you need to do 2-4? infact if you skip 1 and the one before that (going to sleep) you'll be able to get it done even faster