Topic: Basic post editor (work in progress)
Since we ported our forum from MiniBB, some people have complained about the very simple post editor. I've seen the "post enhancer" mod, but I'm not too happy with that, so I'm writing my own.
Features: You can apply bold/italic/underline/code/quote/url to current selection - or if nothing is selected, open/close tags will be generated on first/second click. The URL button provides a prompt and generates the appropriate code.
For testing, it includes just one smiley now - the finished mod will of course generate smiley buttons according to your configuration.
It should work on IE4 or newer on Windows, but basic (dumb) functionality is provided for minority browsers, so it shouldn't cause errors on those - I only have IE6 to test with, so please specify your browser/version when posting your test results...
Thank You!