Topic: HELP!!!

do i need 2 downl;oad anything 2 make a punbb site? is punbb free? ive been clickin around and my comp is really slow so can some1 plz

Re: HELP!!!

yeps.. you need to download it n install in your server that support mysql & php.N yes this PunBB is free to use.

if mONey is lOSt nOThINg is lOSt,
if cHArACtER is lOSt sOMeTHiNG is lOSt,
if rELiGIon and eDUcATiON aRE lOSt eVErYThINg is lOSt.

Re: HELP!!!

ok ty so wut exactly do i need 2 download?

Re: HELP!!!

or try if you have the need for a forum and don't have a host yet.

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: HELP!!!

[topic moved]

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."


Re: HELP!!!

ok ty...o and sry for double posting i just wanted a fast reply smile