Topic: temp closing site

Ok, as we're all awaiting the arrival of rickard and his wonderful script I'll throw this one out for help on. I'm sure a few people may find it useful.

As part of the change to 1.2 I'm changing my whole site (luckily the re-design co-incided with 1.2 being released.)  This will mean moving around some directories/ pages on the site etc etc.

Whilst I'm doing this how can I stop people viewing the site? (ie, no matter what page they come into they'll all get the same page shown?)  however, I need to be able to view the site so possibly a filter on IP address might be useful to let me in.

I hope that makes sense, googling as we speak but someone here might know how to do it. (cpanel option?)



Re: temp closing site

just change the index.html to a blank one and the one that u want ur new site to b have that as something else.
then people will just have a blank page smile

3 (edited by barrowfc 2004-12-30 17:34)

Re: temp closing site

Problem with that is that people link into my site at various pages (ie, not always the index page).

I've found the following which seems to work.

edit your root .htaccess to read the following. (just add it at the top)

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on

# These are the dev guys and they're ok
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^(xx\.xx\.xx\.xx|yy\.yy\.yy\.yy)
RewriteRule .* /pathto/maintenance.html

hope that helps someone else.

Re: temp closing site

helps me i'll need that when 1.2 is released wink thx