Topic: Incorportaing PunBB into Current Web Design


I have installed PunBB on my website. but am wondering how I can incorporate PunBB into my current design of the main site.  I would like the navigation menu and logo on the top of the page so when someone clicks on the forum link, it wont open up the forum as a page that looks new, but rather as part of the web design.  Example here  If you see when you click the forum link the page stays the same rather than opening up a completele different forum design.

If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

Jeremy McMinn


Re: Incorportaing PunBB into Current Web Design


You would have to style the forum similar to your site. Same colors, width, etc.

With the advent of PunBB 1.2, this process should be easier but it still involves knowing how to style the forum.

Re: Incorportaing PunBB into Current Web Design

Is it not possible to use PHP like this...

include "top.php";

include "";

Where this will load the top part of the page plus the actual forum itself.  Or something similar anyway???


Re: Incorportaing PunBB into Current Web Design

Yes it is possible.  Just make sure that the code for the message board is setup where your usual content would be in your website.. and make sure all the directories are correct for your include files.. look at my site.

Home Decor Lighting

Home Decor Lighting - The SEO Project

Re: Incorportaing PunBB into Current Web Design

jzmcminn wrote:

Is it not possible to use PHP like this...

include "top.php";

include "";

Where this will load the top part of the page plus the actual forum itself.  Or something similar anyway???

i would highly reccomend you read the faqs that come with the punbb download about customising main.tpl as if you can do it this way it is probably alot easier