Topic: BBCode in e-mail
When I get an e-mail with a new post from a topic I'm subscribed to, I see BBCodes in that mail. Wouldn't it be an idea to remove them, or parse them in an HTML version (which would be unnecassary in my opinion)?
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PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 bug reports → BBCode in e-mail
When I get an e-mail with a new post from a topic I'm subscribed to, I see BBCodes in that mail. Wouldn't it be an idea to remove them, or parse them in an HTML version (which would be unnecassary in my opinion)?
Yep, I see 2 options here :
- stripping BBCode like you said (HTML in mail = bad)
- only send the link to the post, removing the option to see the reply in the mail
Hm, I do like the option to read new messages in my e-mail. But when you strip the BBCode, people would miss some things like images. Maybe it is an idea to change [ img][/img ] just to, so that you can go to that URI?
I'd like an option to get new e-mails for every new message in a topic too, so that I can follow a discussion without having to go to the topic page after every message.
the idea is you know there are new posts and you can check the topic and if you want to be notifed again you can choose to, if you are subscribed forever then you could get alot of emails, changing an image to a URL is gonna output html its probably best to just strip bbcode
I will look into it.
PunBB Forums → PunBB 1.2 bug reports → BBCode in e-mail
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