Any ideas Rickard, what type of ideas do you want exactly?
I understand your point about adding too many features but even with all the features you just listed punBB wouldn't be to bloated.
To me bloat means two things:
1) Two many gimmicks (features of no real use that will rarely be used).
2) Slow in speed due to no bad use of PHP code and/or lack of consideration for performance.
PunBB's code is such that even with those features you mentioned I can't see it having a great impact on the forums. The code is tight and there has clearly been care taken to improve performance where possible.
Anyone can code a forum (well anyone who can code but you know what I mean), it's easy to assume that your script will perform just as well on your host as it does on your local host. The hard part is making the code good speed/resource wise, spoting ways to rewrite this process in a better way or restructing a system.
I guess the decision has to be made just how minamalist punBB should be. I think there is a balance and that balance is decided by how much need there is for a particuar feature.
What you have to do is look at your target audience, I understand that punBB is minamal and it's an attractive feature that it isn't too similar to other forums. However, if you had two versions of PunBB, This version and a version in with all the features you mentioned. Which one do you think would have the most downloads by now ![tongue](
It's a difficult choice Rickard, one that only you can make. Only you know which direction you want punBB to take ![big_smile](
Fast and Minimal or Fast and Featurefull?