Topic: Would be nice to be able to add unique urls.
One way to solve some of the caching issues (that I guess relates to Apache2 and php4) is to make an GET variable that's appended to all the urls(and that I don't use at all, except making unique urls). I guess it would be possible to make as an option.
This makes a page that wouldn't want to reaload in mozilla, to work without fuzz, and in IE I no longer need to press ctrl+F5 to get it to show the current page.
so I have adopted my code on my little competitions script to use
form method=\"POST\" action=\"$PHP_SELF$UnikID\"
or for normal links (this time with a variable bana also)
a href=\"$PHP_SELF$UnikID&bana=$TrackID\"
and then I generate the $unikid as
$UnikID = "?unikid=" . md5(time());
will make a new 32char id every second, but I guess it's possible to skip the md5 and just get the time directly, as it should defenetly not be the same at two different times, but I like the md5.
This replacement took a few minutes to do on my little competition engine I have made (somewhere over 50 files), but with the replace text tool it wasn't too bad. I guess that little extra string takes a ms to make, but it solved alot of my problems.
/Frank H