1 (edited by Lars 2005-01-22 21:02)

Topic: Modded punBB to show a flag of the country of the poster

I've modded punBB to automatically display the flag of the country of the poster, based on the IP the post came from.
18 lines was added after line 201 in viewtopic.php.
To use it you must download our ip-to-country tool from our website.

Anyway, see the details here: http://weirdsilence.net/131

Any technology distinguishable from magic, is insufficiently advanced.
Official Danish mirror for punbb: http://mirror.ordo.dk/punbb.org/

2 (edited by zaher 2005-01-21 18:53)

Re: Modded punBB to show a flag of the country of the poster

Thanks big_smile

put it in punres.org

there a request for it

If your people come crazy, you will not need to your mind any more.


Re: Modded punBB to show a flag of the country of the poster

Posted it there, thanks smile

Any technology distinguishable from magic, is insufficiently advanced.
Official Danish mirror for punbb: http://mirror.ordo.dk/punbb.org/