1 (edited by XuMiX 2005-01-29 07:16)

Topic: strange punbb behavior when placing it into table

you can see it here: http://dev.hostel.nstu.ru/
So, i have a table class=holder, which holds all other content, it looks like this

|                  |            |
|punbb/main content| modules    |

the problem is - when i view topic, a horisontal scroll bar appears, and only main content is visible, a have to scroll horisontally to see my modules. i just cant find punbb's styles, which make so sad

2 (edited by XuMiX 2005-01-29 09:26)

Re: strange punbb behavior when placing it into table

by the way, i have very strong slowdowns on firefox when viewing some themes at this and my forum
for instanse, when scrolling this topic http://dev.hostel.nstu.ru/viewtopic.php?id=1
I have Duron 700 , 256M Ram , so this is very annoying