Topic: create new field
Punbb is great, but can be beter if the administrator can define new(s) field(s) ( another that : name, email and pwd ) when a new user registrate himself. No, is stupide idéa ?
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PunBB Forums → Feature requests → create new field
Punbb is great, but can be beter if the administrator can define new(s) field(s) ( another that : name, email and pwd ) when a new user registrate himself. No, is stupide idéa ?
yes i would also like this, i was going to edit one of the fields to something else but if it was possible to add more then it would be a bit easier
It sounds like something that would be easy to add, but there's actually quite a lot of code that would need to be added to support such a feature. I'm not sure it's something we want to do with PunBB.
thing is what would it be used for?
edit: also where would it be shown (next to post/in profile? and which bit of profile settings would it go in?
it would be displayed in personal in your profile. just a thought but if you had that on it, people could make it so at the bottom it says if anyone is having a birthday (mine today) or anything
It could also help with integrating punBB with other software (like CMS), by adding (hidden) "external user id" to build custom SQL requests.
I don't quite understand this one, lol. Could you explain the feature/mod request a bit better so one of us can, possibly, make it?
ok. you have a profile right. in the personal section a new field is wanted. but some people may want it in 1 place and some may want it in another.
so what we want is a mod/plugin or something so that people may create a new field in the profile.
i think
thats what i want any way!!
What type of new field though? Or would the new field be created via the admin panel?
yeah created via admin, but personally i would like it to b a number field.
ahh thats a sweet idea I like it alot
i say we add it, well at least think about it for the next addition
What would the purpose of it be though? Like in what situation would it be used?
just a thought but if you had that on it, people could make it so at the bottom it says if anyone is having a birthday (mine today) or anything
Ah. Yeah that would be pretty difficult to create. It could be done, just would be difficult.
just a thought but if you had that on it, people could make it so at the bottom it says if anyone is having a birthday (mine today) or anything
having an extra field wouldn't do that though, you would still have to have another mod to work it out (the calendar mod)
yeah but sill, the extra field would do some other people good. some people will want it for other use than that.
i would like something similar. a new fielf in the pesonal info. so users can write what car they are driving and that should be showen under the avatar.. possible?
I am teatcher, and i have installed punbb for my students. But the probleme is i have many classes and i want to ask news forum'users to indicate the classe where i is. So i need a new field in the subscription' formulary.
Sorry for my english.
just rename location in the language pack and use that
But here is no field 'location' in the <u>first</u> registration page
I rephrase him : to quickly and adequately answer his students questions and posts, he would like that each of them has a fulfilled cursus string. He probably could rename the the location string, but he would like to make it required during the registration process, so every students (some may be young childs I guess) has to fulfill it.
Romulusse : for this specific task, another way to go is to use the usergroups. I imagine you would have to do that by hand, but if you don't have too many students you could assign them to specific usergroups after there registration.
Français : une autre solution à ton problème que tu peux vouloir explorer, c'est d'utiliser les « groupes d'utilisateurs ». Si tu as pas trop d'élèves, ça peut marcher, mais ça demande de le faire à la main. Quand un élève s'enregistre, tu vérifies quelle est sa classe, et tu le place dans le groupe d'utilisateur approprié. Ca à l'avantage de pouvoir ensuite gérer des permissions plus fines, et de façon plus propre.
I would like to have an extra field too... I mean: having the possibility to add it. Anyway, I bet that most of the people who have asked for it are thinking about the same as me: birthdates. I am a teacher as well and I want to know the birthday of those of my pupils who are using the forums, and not only that: I want to know their age. I don't need it to be a required field, but what if I needed the default fields as well?
If it is such a pain to code that feature I guess we can "live" on renaming any of the messaging fields, but I do think birthdates and, as I have read, "talk about you" are useful in forums, to socialise, so in my honest opinion it would be interesting to have such a field by default.
As for the rest, I love PunBB
but if you add a birthday field it will inevitably lead to people wanting a todays brithdays thing etc, just wait for the calenday mod
calanday mod?
another thing is it could be for a "refered here by:" field to keep track of how your members heard of your board. maybe. *shrug*
PunBB Forums → Feature requests → create new field
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