Topic: How to resize forum table

Hi, I've just installed this forum that I find fantastic and now I have a problem of integration with my site.
I noticed that the forum table extends on the 100% of the IE window, while I would like to reduce it to 750 pixels like my header. Take a look at this

Since I feel very uncomfortable when I try to edit php files, is there someone who can tell me how to do it???

Thanks in advance,


Re: How to resize forum table

Everything is controlled by the stylesheets, you don't have to touch the php files. Just open whichever stylesheet you are using and go to section 5.1. Find this line #punwrap {margin:12px 20px} and change it to #punwrap {WIDTH: 750px}. If you are offering your users a choice of stylesheets then you will have to make the same change in each of them.

BTW: Your stylesheets font-size is conflicting with PunBB in IE at the moment so you are going to have to sort that out.

Re: How to resize forum table

Perfect, I just fixed it. Thanks very much!