Topic: punBB wap stats and last posts
Thought i would share this...
Made a little page that displays some stats about punBB on a wap phone. It also displays the last 5 entries in all of the forums. Use it if you like. At own risk.
The code isn't perfect, i know... but it works for me, when im on the bus, curious about whats going on in the forum. Crit away!
By the way, thanks for a great forum punBB crew!
Just copy/paste the code, save it as a .php file where your forum sits with access to the mySQL database. Then access it with your phone.
// Browse some punBB stuff with a wap phone. by Jonka,
// Use at own risk, no error handling included.
// And please dont bug me with how bad my code is, i am a beginner, just cutting/pasting and some coding.
// send wml headers (to test the script in a browser, comment out the next line "header etc"
header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); // this one...
// user details
$username="username"; // your mySQLusername
$password="password"; // password for the same
$database="data"; // the name of your database
$hostname="localhost"; // the hostname
$t_users="users"; // the table users in your mySQL, change the name if you changed it during punBB setup
$t_topics="topics"; // as above topics table
$t_posts="posts"; // as above posts table
$t_online="online"; // as above online table
// Connect to mySQL and db
$connection=mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Could not connect to MySQL.");
$db=mysql_select_db($database, $connection) or die( "Unable to select database");
// No of users regged
$query="SELECT COUNT(id)-1 FROM $t_users";
$antalUsers = mysql_result($result, '0');
// Latest regged
$query="SELECT username FROM $t_users ORDER BY registered DESC LIMIT 1";
$senast = mysql_result($result, 0);
// No of topics
$query="SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $t_topics";
$antalTopics = mysql_result($result, '0');
// No of posts
$query="SELECT COUNT(id) FROM $t_posts";
$antalPosts = mysql_result($result, '0');
// Guests + regged online
$query="SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM $t_online";
$online = mysql_result($result, '0');
$query="SELECT $t_posts.poster, $t_posts.message, $t_posts.posted, $t_posts.topic_id, $, $t_topics.subject, $
FROM $t_posts, $t_topics WHERE $t_posts.topic_id = $
ORDER BY $t_posts.posted DESC LIMIT 5";
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\" \"\">";
<?php // the title of the wap page?>
<card id="card1" title="Forum stats">
echo "<b>".$antalUsers." </b> users, most recent <b> ".$senast. "</b>.<br/>";
print "Right now <b> ".$antalPosts." </b> posts in <b> ".$antalTopics." </b> topics.<br/><br/>";
while ($i < $num) {
$posted=date("ymd H:i",mysql_result($result,$i,"$t_posts.posted"));
echo "<i> ".$posted. " </i> ".$poster." <b> ".$subject." </b><br/> <small> ".$message." </small> <br/><br/>";