Topic: PunBB PHP Localizer for PunBB v1.2.x (beta)

PunBB PHP Localizer (a PHP script for editing PunBB language file sets) has been updated to support PunBB v1.2.x - download here:

This utility can no longer be used for editing PunBB v1.1.x language file sets - however, there is an import feature for bakwards support, which will enable you to upgrade your 1.1.x language files for 1.2.x compatibility...

Please see instructions within the comments in "localizer.php", which will show you how to edit, create, upgrade or update your language file sets.

Please post any comments or questions in reply to this thread.

Re: PunBB PHP Localizer for PunBB v1.2.x (beta)

Cool. I've updated the downloads page.

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: PunBB PHP Localizer for PunBB v1.2.x (beta)

Please note, I have only done some basic testing and it seemed to work, so it might be a bit sudden to update the downloads page yet... wink

Re: PunBB PHP Localizer for PunBB v1.2.x (beta)

Nah, let's live on the edge smile

"Programming is like sex: one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life."

Re: PunBB PHP Localizer for PunBB v1.2.x (beta)

Does it escape the characters by itself ? PunTranslator doesn't seem to.

Re: PunBB PHP Localizer for PunBB v1.2.x (beta)

Certain characters are escaped, yes - like for example ' becomes \' ... well, it wouldn't work otherwise, so of course smile