1 (edited by erissiva 2005-03-06 06:13)

Topic: Bad Floating...

Why does my forum float in the center fine in Firefox, but slides all the way left in IE?

The index of my site works fine - so does the gallery, but the forum slides all the way over.
That's wierd.

I'm using the same code for all of them.


Re: Bad Floating...

Looks fine in IE6 to me. If you a talking about IE5, its because IE5 does not understand margin:auto.

BTW: you are not using the same code/css for all pages. Your other pages are using the text-align:center hack to get around this problem.

Re: Bad Floating...

Paul wrote:

Looks fine in IE6 to me. If you a talking about IE5, its because IE5 does not understand margin:auto.

BTW: you are not using the same code/css for all pages. Your other pages are using the text-align:center hack to get around this problem.

Oh, whoops!
Left that line out. yikes

Fixed by putting in a
"text-align: center" to the HTML/BODY tag and a "text-align: left" to the .punwrap tag.

Thanks a bunch!