1 (edited by Lucky Looser 2005-09-17 17:49)

Topic: Logo/Banner on V 1.1.5


I'm shure I'm a beginner, I've load me an older version of PunBB, because it's easyer to learn CSS an deasyer to modify. *I THINK*
Well now I've made my logo and set padding on 0px and margin on 0px in the CSS-dat and also the cell (td) in the main.tpl.
Why is there allways ... look

This is a Link to my Board

Has anyone a solution?

Sorry for my stupid English, but I'm an old and unteachable man.
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Re: Logo/Banner on V 1.1.5

td.punhead img {
display: block;

Try that and tell if it works (it should).
Btw, your problem only occurs on IE, not Gecko

Re: Logo/Banner on V 1.1.5

That's great, that's what I want and need!

Now it looks nice in IE to.

Thanks!!! wink

Sorry for my stupid English, but I'm an old and unteachable man.
Visit My PunBB Forum

Re: Logo/Banner on V 1.1.5

If you want an explanation, so you know what happened and why and how to face this problem next time it happened :

"img" is an inline tag, that mean it is aligned to the TEXT basline. An empty margin appear down the "img" tag because it's the space reserved for letters that goes down the baseline, like p, q, etc. When you set the display on the "img" tag (or any inline tag) to block this space is no more reserved.

I hope the explanation is clear and usefull enough smile

Re: Logo/Banner on V 1.1.5

Hi jb_gfx,

it's very clear and i've understand that. I've read in the german selfhtml something about inlining and outlining view with other Browser (IE/FF).
I'm a blody beginner and I make much mistakes, but only so i can learn! wink
At the beginning  I think it's easyer but... it was a dream! *LOL*

Thanks for Helping an explaining.

Greetz from Germany

Sorry for my stupid English, but I'm an old and unteachable man.
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