Topic: Downloads only for members


how can I do that, that DLs only for members and not for guests?

I mean, if i open a new thread and load up a ZIP, all visitors can DL it.
But I want that only mems can DL it, not guests.

Is there an easy solution?

Sorry for my stupid English, but I'm an old and unteachable man.
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Re: Downloads only for members

put the downloads in a forum category/thread that only members/groups can view.

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Re: Downloads only for members

do you want something like my site

look at the downloads thing...  Is that what your trying to do???

Re: Downloads only for members

Yes, that's what I've searching for, but can i use it for PunBB 1.1.5?

Sorry for my stupid English, but I'm an old and unteachable man.
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