Topic: Migration from XMB 1.9


I wonder, has anyone migrated their XMB forum to punbb?

I'm planning to give a site with 3000+ users an overhaul, and have decided to use punbb as the forum part, and so I need to do a little conversion.

The first thing I have noticed is that the pun_hash function prefers sha1() over md5, while most other forums use md5, including XMB. I have disabled the sha checks so it will always use md5. I wonder if it might be a good idea for there to be an admin selectable option in the install script whereby the admin can elect to use md5 by default.

I'm going to tackle the user db conversion next, wish me luck!


Re: Migration from XMB 1.9

maybe convert from xmb to phpbb to punbb? if there are converters for xmb > phpbb.

good luck.

FluxBB - Less is more

Re: Migration from XMB 1.9

There is a convertor for xmb > phpBB, but it's only for up to 1.6.

Although - this would be a super genius plan.


Re: Migration from XMB 1.9

the 1.6 convertor for phpbb is useless, trust me i've tried big_smile

so, I'll write my own : http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=6632